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Bedroom Plants For A Healthy Nights Sleep


Bedroom plants are much more than decorative pieces. Plants that convert carbon dioxide into oxygen and purify air are best for a healthy night’s sleep. Research proves that plants reduce stress, enhance creativity, and lifts your mood. Plants also purify indoor air by absorbing VOC, furniture varnish, and home insulation that pollutes our living spaces. In addition, certain plants can produce oxygen to improve the air quality.  

Here are ten-bedroom plants worth considering for your bedroom. These plants will add décor as well as prove health for a good night’s sleep.

Snake Plant (Sanseveria Trifasciata)

This exceptional low-maintenance plant is an excellent choice for your bedroom. In addition, it acquires a place in the top ten indoor plants suitable for living spaces. Popularly known as ‘Mother-in-law’s Tongue,’ this plant is best for converting carbon dioxide into oxygen at night.  

Its sword-like leaves can sustain themselves on little water and indirect sunlight. As a result, these plants have incredible longevity and will maintain for a good number of years.

English Ivy (Hedera Helix)

Scientific research proves the English ivy plant purifies indoor air. This indoor plant does remarkably well in absorbing toxins like formaldehyde, xylene, toluene, and benzene. English ivy is also a great choice to remove allergens and stale air due to animal feces.

This beautiful plant thrives in hanging baskets, pots, or shared potterers. All you need to do is water it daily, and it will take care of itself in moderate light. However, it requires direct sunlight in winters. Keep a check on the soil, and it is best not to let the soil dry.

Peace Lilies (Spathiphyllum Species)

White flowers of peace lilies create an environment of tranquility in your home. So these are a perfect pick to clean the air in your living space with addon aesthetics. Also, the plant has scientific evidence of absorbing harmful vapors like formaldehyde, benzene, alcohols, acetones, and other toxic chemicals. 

Keep this plant out of reach of children since it is poisonous. Peace lilies are easy to maintain, ensure the soil is wet, and it will bloom well in indoor sunlight. Please put them in sunlight once a week for better growth. If you have a dry room, peace lilies are suitable to increase humidity levels.

Spider Plant (Chlorophytum Comosum)

Spider Plant is perfect for placing in a hanging pot to suspend it like a spider. The plant is excellent for absorbing pollutants and toxic chemicals. Keep these plants in moderate sunlight and water them occasionally. Once they pick up growth, it is advisable to water them regularly.

Lavender (Lavandula)

Lavender may not be a typical indoor plant, but it survives with care and adaptable conditions. Keep it under bright direct sunlight every day and water only when the soil is dry. 

The smell of lavender relaxes your mind, reduces stress, lowers blood pressure, and lowers your heart rate. Some studies also prove that lavender aroma helps induce sleep.  

Rubber Plant (Fiscus Elastica) 

This beautiful green plant is suitable to purify your home. It is a toxin purifier and cleans enclosed air. In addition, the abundant green leaves in this plant absorb contaminants and pollutants. 

Keep the plants in moderate sunlight and water them regularly. Ensure the plant dries between water intervals. 

Areca Palm (Chrysalidocarpus Lutescene)

Areca palm adds a rich aesthetic to your room with its tropical lush. In addition, these plants are proven air purifiers and are effective in absorbing harmful chemicals. Some studies on areca palm show it as the best plant to convert carbon dioxide into oxygen.

Areca palm grows optimal in bright but indirect sunlight. Keeping the soil moist is also great for their growth. The plumes can rise six to seven feet tall and are best suited for corners.

Boston Fern (Nephrolepis Exaltata)

Boston ferns are lush and classic house plants. They are best in hanging baskets to arch their bright green ferns. The plant needs lots of light and mists them regularly with a water spray. You can also place them on a tray filled with water. The plant is excellent for purifying the air and releasing oxygen.

Aloe Vera (Aloe Barbadensis) 

Aloe vera is another plant listed in the top ten air purifying plants. Scientific research proves aloe vera releases oxygen at night, making it one of the best choices for your bedroom. In addition, it is a hassle-free plant, and you can grow it with the least amount of care.

Aloe vera plant also has a medicinal quality; the juice on its leaf is excellent for skin with many health benefits. The gel from the leaves is for minor cuts, burns, dry skin, and skin allergies. Keep your aloe plant in sunlight and water it regularly for optimal growth.

Pothos (Epipremnum Aureum)

Pothos is one of the straightforward maintenance plants to grow. Its shiny leaves and vining stems can grow at a length of several feet. It grows best in sunlight with regular watering when they seem dry.

Pothos plants are proven to purify air quality as they absorb pollutants and toxic elements. These plants are also well known for releasing oxygen at night. 


Bedroom plants are best to improve air quality. These plants intake carbon dioxide and release oxygen at night, which is excellent for your health. Certain indoor plants also purify indoor air by absorbing harmful chemicals and pollutants. 

Many plants like lavender help induce sleep; it reduces stress levels and maintains serenity for meditation. In addition, plants are always great to improve the décor of your room and a healthy night’s sleep.