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Tricks And Ideas To Sleep Better


After a night spent turning and tossing, you wake up feeling tired, grumpy, and irritated. If this sounds familiar to you, then you’re struggling to have a good night’s sleep. Not having enough sleep can also make it harder to remember things, like where you left the keys, or you don’t feel as focused or productive as you could be. According to the studies, insufficient sleep has immediate adverse effects on your exercise performance, hormones, and brain function. Lack of sleep can also cause weight gain and diabetes in both children and adults. 

If you’ve been facing trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, you must have thought of sleep medications till now. Still, they also come with many side effects, including headaches, loss of appetite, dizziness, abdominal discomfort, etc. 

You shouldn’t avoid sleep supplements if your doctor has prescribed them but before turning to pills, try these tricks and ideas to sleep better. 

Reduce Blue Light Exposure During Your Bedtime

Exposure to bright light during the day is beneficial, but at night it can have adverse effects. It affects your circadian rhythm, and your brain has trouble falling asleep. 

Blue light emitted through television, smartphones, and laptops are the worst in this regard. You can try the following tips to prevent yourself from blue light.

  • Stop using laptops, phones, and TV at least 2 hours from your bedtime.
  • Wear glasses that block blue lights. 
  • You can also install apps on laptops and phones (available for both iPhones and Android), blocking the blue light.  

Stay Active During The Day

A light exercise not only helps you shed those extra pounds but also to get better sleep at night. According to research, exercise has shown more effects in people with insomnia than most sleep supplements. 

Working out is the key to good sleep, but performing it too late during the day may have adverse effects. This happens as exercise is stimulating that increases alertness of the brain. 

Avoid Caffeine At Late Hours

Shockingly 90% of the U.S population are coffee drinkers. A single dose of caffeine can enhance energy, focus, and athletic performance. But when consumed at night, caffeine can stimulate the nervous system and may prevent your body from relaxing at night. 

Caffeine can stay active in your body for up to eight hours. That’s why drinking caffeine late in the evening is not the best if you have trouble sleeping. 

Declutter Your Bedroom

If your room is messy and unorganized, you could develop sleep problems. What you see in your room can have an impact on your sleep. Try to keep your bedroom clean, dark, calm, and avoid any bright lights in the room. For this, you can try lamps, a dimmer switch, or candles to create a more serene setting.

Make Your Sleeping Schedule

Being particular to your sleeping routine can aid long-term sleep quality. Inconsistent sleep patterns can cause changes to your circadian rhythm and the level of melatonin in the body that induces sleep. 

If you’re having trouble falling asleep, try to go to bed and wake up at consistent times, and you won’t need an alarm after a few weeks. 

De-stress And Sleep Better

Another reason that might be keeping you from a sound sleep is your mind caught in worry, anxiety, confusion, and stress. Try to de-stress your mind to sleep peacefully. Many people have a pre-sleep routine to help them calm their minds. For this, you can try the following.

  • Try some gentle yoga poses before you head to bed. 
  • Take a nice bath or shower an hour or two before your bedtime. 
  • Set your bedroom temperature so that you’re comfortable sleeping. 

Avoid Alcohol

Avoid having alcohol during dinner time to get a good sleep. Alcohol also stimulates and disrupts your sleep. Apart from this, alcohol also alters your melatonin production, which is responsible for your rest. So if you’re habitual of having red wine or anything with your dinner, avoid it for the sake of your sleep.  

Eat But Not Too Much And Too Late

An empty stomach can distract you from falling asleep, but so can an overly full belly. Eating late at night can affect the release of melatonin and overall sleep quality. Therefore, the quality and quantity of your late-night snack also play a crucial role in your sleep quality. 

If you feel you’re starving before going to bed, eat some healthy and light snacks like whole-wheat crackers, cereal with milk, oatmeal, etc. This won’t affect your sleep quality while keeping you full till breakfast. 

Choose A Comfortable Pillow And Mattress

A comfortable pillow and mattress also affect your overall sleep. New bedding can improve your sleep quality, but it’s completely subjective and based on your personal preferences. Whether you choose a soft or firm mattress and pillow, it’s up to you. But it’s a thumb rule that if you’re a side sleeper, your pillow should support your head, ear, neck, and shoulders as well. In comparison, people who sleep on their back should consider a thin pillow to prevent unnecessary stress on their necks. 

Check On Daytime Naps

Many of us consider short power naps as beneficial, and they are, but extended naps during the daytime can negatively impact your sleep at night. If you’re having trouble sleeping at night, you might try to avoid daytime naps. 

To Sum Up

Good-quality sleep plays a crucial role in your overall physical and mental health. If you’re looking for good health and a mental state, consider sleep as your priority and try the tips mentioned above to get a good night’s sleep. If the problem persists, consult your healthcare provider.