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Effects That Bread Has On The Gut


For a healthy lifestyle, it is pivotal to maintain a healthy gut microbiome. Studies have reported that over 15% of people in the western world are affected by gastrointestinal-related problems such as constipation, bloating, diarrhea, and gas.

Eating a well-balanced diet is necessary for maintaining overall gut health. You might have heard people asking you to skip bread because it is full of carbs and processes into sugar within the body. However, bread is an essential food component that, in correct amounts, can help you keep your bowels well.

Here are the positive effects that bread has on your gut.

Improves Gut Movement

Whole grain bread is 100% high in fiber, and you should consume it if you have digestion-related issues. Along with fiber, it has added nutrients like omega-3-fatty acids that your gut microbiota processes into short-chain fatty acids that direct the proper functioning of your colon. Being a natural prebiotic, it encourages the correct functioning of the friendly bacteria in the large intestine.

Prevents Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are blood vessels located in the inner walls of the rectum and anus, which under constant pressure, get inflamed and cause pain and discomfort. They can occur due to constipation, constant force to evacuate, minuscule water intake, or reduced fiber ingestion. Regular intake of fruits, vegetables, fiber-food like whole-grain loaves of bread can reduce your possibility of suffering from hemorrhoids.

Promotes The Growth Of Good Bacteria

Low grain loaves of bread such as white bread can cause an imbalance to your gut bacteria, a condition called dysbiosis. In contrast, a whole-grain bread can maintain the proper balance by promoting the growth of lactic acid bacteria in the colon that are important to fight diseases like irritable bowel syndrome, Helicobacter pylori infections, constipation, ulcerative colitis.

Increases Satiety

Eating whole-grain loaves of bread gives you a feeling of satisfaction and fullness. This is due to the soluble and insoluble fiber that slows down the breakdown of the molecular components, slowing down digestion and making you less hungry. So you might have heard people ask you to stop bread when on a diet, but the right kind of bread will help you get a slimmer waistline.

Types Of Healthy Bread

You may have noted that these gut benefits are from whole-grain bread and no other refined pieces of bread like white bread. Therefore, selecting the proper bread becomes essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Below is a list of five loaves of bread that have proven to be healthy.

  • Whole Wheat Bread

This wheat has the germ, endosperm, and bran intact, making it rich in minerals, vitamins, and proteins. Studies have reported that whole wheat bread positively affects conditions like reducing the risk of type two diabetes, hypertension, and cardio-related disorders.

  • Oat Bread

It is made by adding oats, whole grains, water, yeast, and salt. Oats are rich in vitamin B1, iron, zinc, and magnesium. Experts suggest the fiber in the oats known as beta-glucan helps reduce bad cholesterol- LDL, thereby maintaining cholesterol levels in the body.

  • Sprouted Whole Grain Bread

This bread is from grains that have started sprouting essentially to increase the availability of nutrients. They are regarded as a choice for diabetic individuals because they do not raise blood glucose levels and have antioxidant properties.

  • Flax Bread

It is from whole grain and flax seeds; this bread is an excellent source of omega-3-fatty acids and has digestive-related benefits.

  • Gluten-Free Bread

It is made from brown rice, almond flour, and corn and is an excellent alternative to celiac diseases or gluten-intolerant. They include fiber and protein content. Therefore, you tend to consume fewer sugars and starch.

Look Out For This Checklist The Next Time You Shop For Healthy Bread:

  • No Added Preservatives: Artificial preservatives such as sweeteners are a hundred times sweeter than sugar lading to increase sugar intake.
  • Should Include Fiber And Proteins: The correct amounts should be five grams per slice.
  • Primary Ingredient: Whole grains or sprouted grains should be core ingredients with minimal quantities or other components.

The Bottom Line!

Whole-grain bread is effective for a healthy gut as it maintains the microbiome, aids in a smooth colon movement, prevents hemorrhoids, and gives a feeling of satiety. Due to its fiber component, it aids in slowing down digestion. As a result, the glucose intake reduces, and conditions like diabetes and obesity can be maintained.

Other important types of nutrition include whole wheat bread, oat bread, flax bread, sprouted whole grain bread, and gluten-free bread. These have positive effects on the human body as a whole. However, if your bread includes artificial sweeteners, added preservatives, synthetic compounds with less protein and fiber can cause imbalance and initiate adverse health. So next time you purchase bread, make sure to have a glance at its ingredients.