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How To Grow And Care For A Lilac Plant


Growing plants and taking care of them is a kind of therapy in itself. Plants, especially flowers, add a beautiful touch to our surroundings. You may have noticed an instant uplift in the mood whenever you walk by the streets adorned with fragrant flowers. Out of the thousand types of flowers that exist, some of the most commonly planted and admired ones are lilacs. Lilacs have a charm of their own and can make any place ten times prettier by their rich appearance and soothing fragrance. If you plan to plant lilacs or simply wish to expand your knowledge about gardening, you’re in luck! The guide is dedicated only to lilacs, their varieties, and the entire process of planting and taking care of them. Let’s get started! 

First Of All, What Are The Varieties Of Lilac?

Before we get to the varieties, let’s get a grip on the interesting history of this lovely flower. The scientific name of lilac is Syringa, and it belongs to the family of Oleaceae. It was originally native to the regions like Southeastern Europe or Eastern Asia. The flower earned its name “Lilac” because it is majorly found in pink or purple color. It gives off a sweet and calming fragrance. You can find lilacs in the form of flower clusters, and the lilac season is between summer and fall. 

Talking about lilac varieties, the most commonly existing lilac variant is Syringa Vulgaris, also known as common lilac and referred to as the Beauty of Moscow. Other than that, Tinkerbelle lilac, French lilac, Persian lilac, Himalayan Lilac, Dwarf Korean Lilac, and the list goes on. There are more than 1,000 different varieties of lilac, which have been developed over the years as a result of hybrid growth in different parts of the world. This brings us to the next question. 

How Should You Decide Which Lilac Variety You Should Plant? 

As mentioned previously, there are several variants when it comes to lilac. So before picking one, you need to ask yourself some questions that will help you make a suitable purchase. 

It is essential to consider how much space you have in the planting area and how big of a plant you can manage. If you have limited space or simply wish to have a relatively smaller lilac plant, you can consider the common lilac, which grows about 10 feet wide, or the Korean dwarf lilacs, which are as short as 4 feet. On the contrary, if you have space and willingness to grow a large one, the lilac tree can grow up to 25 feet high. 

Other than that, the choice of variety can also depend on your color preference. For instance, the Beauty of Moscow has white to baby pink flowers, whereas the common lilac has lavender or purple flowers. This can also be a major point of consideration. 

You should also know that some new hybrid variants tend to have pink buds and are less prone to problems like powdery mildew. 

What Is The Right Way To Plant Lilac?

Once you have figured out the lilac variant you would like to plant; the next step is to prepare the right type of soil. Lilacs usually require fertile soil. It is also recommendable to have the soil’s pH level around 7, which is quite neutral. Finally, if it is a small bush, you need to find a pot according to the growth of the lilac and place it in a way that the plant receives natural sunlight for at least 5 to 6 hours every day. 

Once you have the right soil and place the pot in the right place, look at the plant’s root length and dig double its depth in the soil. After that, place the plant in the hole you just dug, and make sure that at least an inch of the root’s bole stays out of the hole. Then tightly pack the area around the root with the same soil and water it generously. 

As you can see, the planting process is quite straightforward. More or less, like planting any other flower plant. As long as the lilac receives high-quality soil, sufficient sunlight, and regular hydration, you don’t need to worry about anything else, at least in the plantation process. However, you should know that it is the growing period of the plant that needs special attention. So let’s find out how you can keep the lilac healthy in the long run. 

How To Take Care Of Lilacs?

To begin with, you need to make sure you fuel your lilac well. You need to supplement it with an adequate amount of water and the right plant food as well. In the beginning, water the plant whenever you see the top layer of the soil drying. To give you the exact period, you should be watering it around 2 to 3 times per week. Lilac requires deep watering, so it is most advisable to pour at least 1.5 to 2 inches of water to keep the moisture intact. Once the plant is grown a little more, which is usually when you can see small flower buds growing, water it only once a week or so. 

Coming to the food, supply it with organic fertilizers, earthworm cast, bone meals, and so on to ensure adequate nutrition. An additional tip to maximize the development of new flowers is to cut down the deadheads of the dried or faded flowers so that the plant can give birth to new flowers in the following spring. Other than this, pruning lilacs is also something that helps the plant stay healthy. Don’t cut more than one-third of the branch, and do this only using a clipper. 


All in all, it is fair to say that there is quite an effort in growing and maintaining lilacs. However, if you genuinely love gardening, you will definitely enjoy the process, as well as the result, which is a garden with a beautiful and fragrant lilac patch. We hope this guide helps you achieve a deeper understanding of lilacs. Happy gardening!