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Winterizing Your Lawn Mower & Garden Tools


Winter is a time of year that many people dread, and for good reason. It’s cold, it’s snowing or raining, and your lawnmower and garden tools are lying dormant in the garage until springtime. Many people believe when winter comes that just putting their lawnmower and garden tools away is all they need to do. There’s more to it than meets the eye. As the cold weather hits and the freezing begins to happen it’s a good idea to take some simple steps to winterize them now. If you do this you’ll be able to use them again next year without any problems. Follow these tricks and tips to keep your garden tools running smoothly next year!

Drain The Oil In Your Lawn Mower

This is one of the most important things to do! before the winter comes. Simply drain your engine’s oil into an empty milk jug or another container so you can reuse it. Make sure to recycle it when you are done. This will help the cold weather from solidifying your oil. Which can cause damage to your lawnmower or garden tools! Make sure not to pour used motor oil down a household drain because it leads to your local waterways.

Wipe Down All Surfaces

This is very important because rusting, although not visible yet on most metal objects, has already begun. It’s always a good idea to wipe everything down with an oily cloth before the winter sets in. This will help slow down the process of rusting and make it easier to clean off in the springtime. If any water gets into cracks and holes of these gadgets then they’ll likely get rusty overnight. So make sure you clean every surface completely!

Remove Spark Plugs

Spark plugs are another thing you don’t want to forget about. Before putting them back in their storage places remove each plug using a wrench or socket set. Put a little bit of oil in each cylinder where the spark plug was inserted. This will help keep rust and corrosion from happening next year. Removing your sparks plugs will prevent them from corroding as well as locking them in place. Once that happens there is no other option than replacement. That can be costly depending on what kind of equipment you have.

Maintain The Blades

It’s always a good idea to sharpen your lawnmower and garden tools’ blade before storing it for wintertime. This way if something does happen and you need to use them again right away, then sharpening the blades is minimal work! Just remember not to make any deep cuts into the metal because this could cause permanent damage. Always file down any rust or dirt that accumulates on these items too, so they’re nice and clean for next year!

Replace Your Blades 

While sharpening your blades before winter, it’s also a good time to decided if any of your blades need replacing. If they’re completely rusted or dull, then you may want to take the extra step and get some new blades! This is especially important if you have a weed eater or chainsaw, these tools normally need their blades replaced more frequently. Most importantly, make sure you match the size and style of what came with your equipment originally.

Clean Any Debris From Gears

It’s always a good idea to clean the gears in your lawnmower and garden tools before putting them away for wintertime. Dirt, dust, and debris can cause these items not to work properly when you bring them out again next year! Use an old toothbrush or paintbrush that has been cut down into smaller pieces to get inside any tight spots on these gadgets. Cleaning off all of this dirt will help prevent clogging up parts too much which would make it difficult for anything (like oil) to circulate through each gear system.

Lubricate Moving parts

This will prevent any rust or corrosion from forming next year when you take everything out of storage again! This simple step could save a lot of time and money overall. Apply a thin layer of oil on each part where metal rubs against metal, Just remember not to use too much! You don’t want anything dripping down into the motor since this would make it harder for the lawnmower engine to start back up after sitting during wintertime. Always check with owner’s manuals if you’re unsure about which parts may need lubricating.

Apply Rust-Resistant Spray 

This step is an optional one but still very important nonetheless! If you have lawnmower or garden tools that are made from steel, then it’s recommended to spray them with rust-resistant primer and topcoat. These specific spray paints are available at any hardware store and are handy to keep around for next year when it comes this time again. Just make sure to follow the instructions very carefully when spraying because if not done well this can cause more damage than good!

Store Them Properly

One last thing when putting everything away for the winter, make sure to store your equipment in an enclosed container where they are locked safely away from any moisture! Remember not to stack anything too high that could fall and cause damage. Try leaning everything up against a wall or hang long-handled equipment from studs using sturdy hooks. Also, Make sure there’s plenty of dry air circulating around each gadget so when it comes time next spring all you’ll need to do is wipe them down and put some fresh oil on the parts needing lubrication.


Now that you know the basics of winterizing your lawnmower and garden tools, it’s time to put them away for next year! Just remember not to get too lazy or rush any steps. If done incorrectly this could lead to big problems down the road. If you make a habit out of taking care of these items, then they will last for years to come. Following these simple instructions should help ensure everything is ready when spring finally arrives again!